Each term, the Centre hosts various reading seminars devoted to Platonic themes and Authors. See below for both present and past reading groups:
Previous Reading Seminars
- Plotinus: Ennead III.6 (26), 'On the Impassivity of Things without Body'.
Lent 2023:
- Plotinus: Ennead VI.7 (38), 'The Forms and the Good'.
Easter 2021:
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite: Divine Names
Lent 2021:
- Iamblichus: De Mysteriis
Michaelmas 2020:
- Proclus: The Elements of Theology
Easter 2020:
- Plotinus: Ennead II.9 (33), 'Against the Gnostics'.
Lent 2020:
- Plotinus: Ennead IV.7 (2), 'On the Immortality of Soul'.
Michaelmas 2019:
- Plotinus: Ennead V.5 (32), 'That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellect, and On the Good'.
Lent 2019:
- Plotinus: Ennead III.2-3 (47), 'On Providence', & III.4 (15), 'On Our Allotted Guardian Spirit' - Thursdays 11.00-12.30, starting 17 January.
- Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion - Wednesdays 11.00-12.30, Room 4.
- Levinas: Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence/Otherwise than Being, or Beyond Essence (1974) - Tuesday, 14:00-15:30, Room 4, starting January 23.
- Eriugena: Periphyseon III - Tuesdays 11.00-12.30, Room 4, starting 15 January.
Michaelmas 2018:
- Plotinus: Ennead III.2 (47), 'On Providence'.
- Schelling: The Ages of the World (Weltalter, 1815).
- Kant: Transition from the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural
- Science to Physics.
- Eriugena: Periphyseon II on Trinitarian processions & Primordial causes.