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The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism



The 'Beierwaltes Lecture Series' is dedicated to the great defender of Platonism as a living tradition, Prof. Dr. Werner Beierwaltes (1931-2019). The lectures are devoted to figures and themes in the Platonic tradition.


Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Anders Christian Jacobsen: 'The Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity in Origen'
Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Anders Christian Jacobsen - The Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity in Origen

Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Anders Christian Jacobsen: 'The Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity in Origen'

4 March 2019

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Anders-Christian Jacobsen (Aarhus) for his Beierwaltes Lecture , 'The Image and Likeness of God: Human Dignity in Origen', Monday, 4 March 2019. The lecture moved from Origen's understanding of the creation of humanity, to the notion of the inner and...

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza: 'God, Creatures, and Neoplatonism in Leibniz'
Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza: God, Creatures, and Neoplatonism in Leibniz

Beierwaltes Lecture - Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza: 'God, Creatures, and Neoplatonism in Leibniz'

26 November 2018

Prof. Maria Rosa Antognazza 's Beierwaltes Lecture delivered 26 November in the Divinity Faculty's Runcie Room, brought together some aspects of the Platonic and Neoplatonic inheritance in Leibniz’s thought. It discussed some features of Leibniz’s reworking of this tradition with respect to his theory of the divine...

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture - Jean-Marc Narbonne: 'Negative Knowledge and its Critical Self-Limitation: Reflexions on the Greek Metaphysical Heritage'
Beierwaltes Lecture - Jean-Marc Narbonne, 'Negative Knowledge and its Critical Self-Limitation: Reflexions on the Greek Metaphysical Heritage'

Beierwaltes Lecture - Jean-Marc Narbonne: 'Negative Knowledge and its Critical Self-Limitation: Reflexions on the Greek Metaphysical Heritage'

8 November 2018

The Centre hosted Prof. Jean-Marc Narbonne (Université Laval), who presented his Beierwaltes Lecture 'Negative Knowledge and its Critical Self-Limitation: Reflexions on the Greek Metaphysical Heritage' on 5 November 2018. Prof. Narbonne gave an engaging and provocative reflection on polytheism's ability to accommodate...

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Marie-Elise Zovko: 'Religious and Anti-Religious Doctrine in Philosophy'
Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Marie-Elise Zovko – Religious and Anti-Religious Doctrine in Philosophy

Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Marie-Elise Zovko: 'Religious and Anti-Religious Doctrine in Philosophy'

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Marie-Elise Zovko, professor of philosophy at the the Institute for Philosophy, Zagreb, on 1 June, who gave her Beierwaltes Lecture entitled ‘“Abfall von der Idee”: Repercussions of Baader’s Russian expedition in Hegel’s Encylopedia’.

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Stephen Clark: 'Godlike Virtues'
Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Stephen Clark: Godlike Virtues

Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Stephen Clark: 'Godlike Virtues'

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Stephen Clark, professor of philosophy at the University of Liverpool, who gave the Beierwaltes Lecture entitled ‘Godlike Virtues’.

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Harold Tarrant: 'Platonism’s Resilience and Adaptability in the Face of Crisis'
Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Harold Tarrant: Platonism’s Resilience and Adaptability in the face of Crisis

Beierwaltes Lecture – Prof. Harold Tarrant: 'Platonism’s Resilience and Adaptability in the Face of Crisis'

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Harold Tarrant, Conjoint Professor in Humanities and Social Science at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and fellow of the Centre for the Study of Platonism, who gave a Beierwaltes Lecture entitled ‘Platonism’s Resilience and Adaptability in the...

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture – Lloyd Gerson: 'The Platonic System'
Beierwaltes Lecture – Lloyd Gerson: The Platonic System

Beierwaltes Lecture – Lloyd Gerson: 'The Platonic System'

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Lloyd Gerson, professor of philosophy at the University of Toronto, who gave his Beierwaltes Lecture , entitled ‘The Platonic System’

Read more at: Beierwaltes Lecture – John Hare: ‘De Libero Arbitrio’
Beierwaltes Lecture – John Hare: ‘De Libero Arbitrio’

Beierwaltes Lecture – John Hare: ‘De Libero Arbitrio’

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. John Hare , the Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology at Yale University, who gave his Beierwaltes Lecture on Augustine’s De Libero Arbitrio. Prof. Hare’s lecture delved into the intricacies of Augustine’s work while both pointing out its...

Read more at: Inaugural Beierwaltes Lecture of 30 November 2017 - Prof. John Dillon: 'On Platonic Dogmatism'
Prof. John Dillon’s Inaugural Beierwaltes Lecture on Platonic Dogmatism – 30 Nov. 2017

Inaugural Beierwaltes Lecture of 30 November 2017 - Prof. John Dillon: 'On Platonic Dogmatism'

4 June 2018

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. John Dillon on 30 November. Prof. Dillon participated in a research meeting of the AHRC funded project The Cambridge Platonists at the origins of Enlightenment: texts, debates, and reception (1650-1730) before discussing the origins of dogmatism within...

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