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The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism


Ben Davidson (Academic Secretary for the Centre)

Clelia Attanasio

Dr James Bryson

Dr Dragos Calma (University College Dublin)

Dr Barrie Fleet

Prof. Thomas Hanke (Frankfurt)

Dr Christian Hengstermann (University of Münster) (EU Human Dignity Project)

Rev'd Dr Isidoros (Charalampos) Katsos (Dr Jur. & Dr Theo.)

Dr Evan King (University of King's College, Halifax)

Dr Matthew Leisinger

Dr. Andreea-Maria Lemnaru

Dr Marilyn Lewis (University of Bristol) (EU Human Dignity Project)

Dr Paolo Livieri

Dr Jonathan Lyonhart (University of Jamestown)

Dr Adrian Mihai

Dr Cecilia Muratori (University of Warwick)

Dr Benedetto Neola 

Panagiotis G. Pavlos (University of Oslo)

Gareth Polmeer (Royal College of Art)

Rev'd Dr Thomas Plant (Rikkyo University, Tokyo)

Dr Piotr K. Szałek (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)

Maria Terss (Stanford University)

Dr Jon W. Thompson (The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, University of Cambridge

Daniel J. Tolan (University of Cambridge)

Dr Maude Vanhaelen (University of Warwick)

Prof. Alexander J.B. Hampton (University of Toronto)

Dr Christopher Wojtulewicz (University of Leuven)

Latest news

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Event | A Celebration of the work of Margaret Barker | 24th May 2024

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