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The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism

Colloquium Adamantianum III - Ilaria Ramelli - Apokatastasis and Trinity

The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism proudly hosted Prof. Ilaria Ramelli on 19 January for Colloquium Adamantianum III, which reflected on themes that emerge throughout her work. In a series of seminal articles and monographs, including a monumental study on The Christian Doctrine of Apokatastasis, Ilaria Ramelli has defended the thesis of the compatibility between Christianity and philosophy (especially Platonism). Against the background of scholarly debates which tend to regard Christianity as anti-Platonism, Origen figures in Ramelli’s voluminous and interdisciplinary work as the archetypical example of the distinctive brand of Christian Platonism developed in patristic literature. Ramelli offers refreshing arguments for the identification of Origen the Christian with Origen the Neoplatonist. She defends Origenian exegesis as rooted in both Greek philosophy and Jewish-Christian Scriptures and literature. And she offers a compelling thesis for the inherent Hellenization of the Christian kērugma, exploring themes like freedom and morality, time and eternity, or trinitarian and hypostatic thought, in Origen and beyond. 

Click here for the event programme.

The next Colloquium will be held October 2019, and will reflect on Prof. Mark Edwards' work on both Origen and the Alexandrian tradition.


About Colloquium Adamantianum

Colloquium Adamantianum is a workshop hosted by the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism twice a year. Each of the Colloquia revolves around the research of one pre-eminent contemporary scholar on Origen and the Alexandrian tradition, exploring the Platonist origins of Christian metaphysics.  


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